Please feel free to browse our library of Frequently Asked Questions!

Top Frequently asked Questions

Know Your Customer (KYC)

Using mobile and web-based technology to verify you as the customer by the adding of documents and the taking of ID photos. KYC is an authentication method for financial services, operating through the internet, which is utilised to reduce money-laundering and counter-terrorism funding.

It is important for all companies operating in the cryptocurrency industry to know a customer is who they claim to be.

Yes. In order to be approved to be able to withdraw money from the PIPezi Exchange, you have to have completed a verified KYC process.

Your information is only used for the KYC process, and is handled confidentially, and internally by the PIPezi Exchange. It is not used or shared with any other entity. It is a mandatory requirement of our reporting under the relevant financial regulation legislation.

An email will be sent to you once your PIPezi Account is approved and verified. This will occur
automatically, on completion of the KYC process. Once your account is verified you will be able to
trade and withdraw money from your account.

Crypto Deposit & Withdrawal

There are no fees associated with the depositing, or withdrawal of AUD from the PIPezi Exchange.

Yes, there is a daily limit of $100,000 for deposits and $25,000 for withdrawals subject to your bank’s allowances. Transactions above this amount can be made using OTC.

There is a transaction fee associated with the buying, and selling of cryptocurrency. It is from 0.02% of the amount transacted. If you purchase Piptles, and select to pay for the transactions in Piptles – you get a discount of 25% on the transaction fee, for each transaction.

You can read more about our fees at https://pipezi.com/fees/

Fiat currencies can easily be deposited to your PIPezi Account through using our Website or App, provided you have a linked bank account in your name, or the name of your company. If you need more help on how to do this, please check out our video tutorials on how to use the Website, and the PIPezi Mobile App.

Withdrawing is as simple as depositing, and can be done through our PIPezi App, or website! If you need more help on how to do this, please check out our video tutorials on how to use the
Website, and the PIPezi Mobile App.

Yes, you will be able to transfer your cryptocurrency to your own wallet. You will need to follow the steps in the PIPezi Exchange. Please note that there will be network mining fees associated with the transaction. If you need more help on how to do this, please check out our video tutorials on how to use the Website, and the PIPezi Mobile App.

Yes, you will be able to transfer your cryptocurrency from your wallet outside of PIPezi, to your wallet on the PIPezi Exchange. Please note that there will be network mining fees associated with the transaction. If you need more help on how to do this, please check out our video tutorials on how to use the Website, and the PIPezi Mobile App.

Accounts & Security

Yes. Our website has a dedicated section, which explains the processes around how we keep your
account secure. You can access this at https://pipezi.com/security.

There are a number of ways that you can increase the security of your account. Please keep up to date, and regularly check our website policies, procedures, and recommended tips sections around security.

Yes. You can have an Individual Account and Company/Trust/SMSF Accounts. While you can have multiple email accounts registered, we strongly recommended that you only use the one email for each account. This is in order to ensure that all communications are thoroughly monitored, so that there is less chance of the emails going to spam, or junk inbox folders, or going unnoticed.

Fiat currencies can easily be deposited to your PIPezi Account through using our Website or App, provided you have a linked bank account in your name, or the name of your company. If you need more help on how to do this, please check out our video tutorials on how to use the Website, and the PIPezi Mobile App.

Individual Accounts

You can update your details in your PIPezi Account by accessing the Account Settings tab in your Account.
If you need more help on how to do this, please check out our video tutorials on how to use the Website, and the PIPezi Mobile App.

In order to update your mobile phone, or contact number, this can be done by accessing the Account Settings tab in your Account. If you need more help on how to do this, please check out our video tutorials on how to use the Website, and the PIPezi Mobile App.

In order to change your email address, please reach out to us at [email protected] – we may require you to provide documents, or information relating to your KYC, in order to verify that it is you that we are helping to do this.

Your password can be reset in the Account Settings tab. If you have lost access to your account, please contact us using the Contact Support form, or reach out at [email protected].
Company Accounts

If you wish to register a company on the PIPezi Exchange, you can do this through your PIPezi Account, on our Website. If you need more help on how to do this, please check out our video tutorials on how to register a company with PIPezi Exchange.

In order to set up a company, you will need to provide certain documentation, this documentation is listed in the ‘Launching a Company on the PIPezi Exchange’ section.

Tax Requirements

We are not Accountants, or Financial Advisors, and we are not responsible for any taxes, or GST payable by you on any of your transactions. You can print out an Account Statement at any time, which we strongly encourage you to take with you to any Financial Advisors, or Accountants that you may have.

This can be done through our Website, or our Mobile App, under the Account Statement tab, where a PDF download of your Account Statement is provided.

We recommend keeping regular track of all of your Account Statements. We recommend downloading them to a folder on either your computer, or a Secure USB Drive, at the end of each week of using our services, or within any periods of heavy use.
This is in order to keep your PIPezi Account safe. We may need you to provide information from the most recent Account Statement, in the instance that you are locked out of your Account.


Yes/No – The minimum trade amount is x.

You can customise your Dashboard through the Mobile App easily!

Please check out our video tutorials on how to do this, available at https://pipezi.com/MobileAppTutorials

Balances are available on your Dashboard, in the PIPezi Mobile App, or through our Website Dashboard.

An order can be to either buy, or sell cryptocurrency. These can be Limits Buys/Sells, or be a Market Buy, or Sell.

A Limit Buy is an order placed to buy Cryptocurrency at no more than the specified price per cryptocurrency unit. It may not be executed immediately, and may remain on the Order book until it can be filled. It may be partially filled, where volume at the specified price is unable to be secured, which may result in your order being cancelled.

A Limit Sell is an order placed to sell Cryptocurrency at no less than the specified price per cryptocurrency unit. It may not be executed immediately, and may remain on the Order book until it can be filled. It may be partially filled, where volume at the specified price is unable to be secured, which may result in your order being cancelled.

A Market Buy or Sell is an order to buy or sell cryptocurrency at the current market price – taking the lowest Limit Sells, to fill the order. If the lowest Limit Sell has not got a sufficient volume to fill an order, the Market Order will be partially filled by that Limit Sell, and higher Limit Sells will fill the remainder of the Market Order.

You can view your orders through your Account Statement tab, on either the PIPezi Mobile App, or through the Website.

Stop-loss order is an order to buy or sell, execute a transaction at a certain specified price.

There are a number of tutorials online on YouTube for using Tradeview Charting Tools. We recommend that you view these videos and make the necessary notes as similar principles will apply to using our Trading Charts.
Within the exchange we have AUD Paired Tokens which will need to be converted into a token that is paired with AUD to be able to convert and be cashed out through a withdrawal request. An example of this is BTC/AUD, the Bitcoin BTC will need to be exchanged into AUD. Following this, a withdrawal request can be placed for AUD.

Mobile APP

You can download our mobile app from the Google Play Store, or from the Apple Store!

Please check in with our dedicated section which provides details on how to use our app!
This can be accessed at https://pipezi.com/mobile