Community / COOP
Co-operative Model
The People Inspiring People to Trade Learn & Earn Co-operative (Piptlers Co-op) has been established with the social purpose to create an engaged community that upskills individuals through championing affordable access to education about blockchain, cryptocurrency, Decentralised Finance (DeFi), Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), smart contracts, tokenisation, metaverses, the internet of things (IOT), and other emerging technologies.
The Piptlers Co-operative is committed to creating better financial wellbeing for members by also providing pathways for earning income. This income can be derived from building an affiliate network, from the selling of educational courses, from the sale of products through affiliated online cryptocurrency enabled marketplaces, from the creation, sale, and trading of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTS), and from the trading of any tokenised digital assets.
The Co-operative also seeks to provide a supportive ecosystem to its members, to enable individuals and business owners to be able to position themselves to become involved in the growth of the tokenisation of both real-world assets and digital assets, including land in emerging metaverses, with a view to creating future earnings.
By fostering the adoption of emerging technologies, the Piptlers Co-op aims to build stronger, more financially resilient communities with innovative products and services that they support to be developed.
In modern society, the acquisition of and use of digital assets is becoming increasingly common, including the creation of new decentralised finance initiatives funded by communities that are aligned on special projects. This is now expanding and diversifying at a very fast rate, where individuals group together to contribute capital in the way of cryptocurrency or other digital assets that can then be used to fund initiatives for lending, investment, purchasing buildings, purchasing artifacts, purchasing items of rarity, and more.
The creation of these new types of organisations being established to do this is being achieved via a decentralised autonomous organisation structure called a DAO: where every member has a vote, and all things are governed by a set of codes and rules.
What is a DAO?
A decentralised autonomous organisation (DAO), sometimes called a decentralised autonomous corporation (DAC), is an organisation represented by rules encoded as a computer program that is transparent, controlled by the organisation’s members, and not influenced by a central government. A DAO’s financial transaction record and program rules are maintained on a blockchain.
Why choose Piptlers?
Unfortunately, a DAO does not have any legal facing entities or representation. Due to increasing issues with legal representation for the members of DAOs, and identification of funding contributors and responsible persons involved in decision making: including authorising expenditures – there is a significant need to find a present legal structure that can meet the compliance needs and transparency associated with running a DAO in the real world, and not just within the digital economy. Presently, the Distributing Co-operative business model is the closest, and most suited model for this purpose.
To support community initiatives and overcome these difficulties, Piptlers has been designed to act as a platform to help individuals and businesses expand and grow their interests in new emerging areas, such as blockchain, NFTs, cryptocurrency, and tokenisation (as part of a co-operative that is operated using the principles associated with that of a DAO: where every member is given the ability to vote on the co-operatives’ primary activities and business dealings).
The use of the Piptlers Co-op as an intermediary (as a cooperative), allows small businesses and individuals access to new potential markets that they previously may not have been able, or willing to access (due to no legal structure being established to represent the interest of its members). This is one of the primary reasons why the founders of the Piptlers Coop believe that a Co-operative is the most appropriate structure for the type of business that we envision.
In the Piptlers Coop some membership levels require a contribution of capital in the way of Co-operative Capital Units (CCUs). Those members contributing capital through CCUs will share in the monetary surpluses posted by the Piptlers Coop. Members contributing capital for CCUs will also receive an issue of a NFT token for each Co-operative Capital Unit. This NFT token may also be tied to project voting, special access privileges, digital land rights, or even a basket of digital assets that can potentially support members to trade with on any of the Piptlers Co-operatives’ platforms.
The Piptlers Co-op will allocate funding from contributed capital (CCUs) towards being used for creating further educational courses, to provide loans for community members, supporting the development of blockchain based technology applications that members can utilise, funding a cryptocurrency trading exchange, developing metaverses, securing digital lands, securing digital assets, participating in decentralised finance, and other emerging technology based initiatives – as voted on by our members.