Piptle Wealth Management Pty Ltd. ta. PIPezi Exchange
(Herein referred to as PIPezi)
(ABN 15 642 428 680)
Unit 6-7 215 Brisbane Road,
Biggera Waters, Queensland, 4216

During the course of engagement, PIPezi may disclose certain sensitive information, which, if used maliciously, may cause detriment or loss to the company. Similarly, during the course of engagement, INSERT PARTY NAME may disclose
certain sensitive information which, if used maliciously, may cause detriment or loss to the company. The purpose of this Non Disclosure Agreement is to protect the information shared between either of the Parties from being used in this capacity.
Such information may include, but is not limited to:

a) Investment related information
b) Information pertaining to customer or client databases

c) Information pertaining to cryptocurrency or cryptocurrencies owned by the company, its members, shareholders, or members of the Board.
d) Information pertaining to NFTs (Non-fungible tokens) owned by the company, its members, shareholders, or members of the Board.
e) Information pertaining to systems operations of the business (Piptle Wealth Management Pty Ltd. ta. PIPezi Exchange).
f) Information pertaining to members, shareholders, partner companies, affiliates, or the Board of Directors.
g) Information pertaining to the Piptle Academy.
h) Information pertaining to Piptle Wealth Management Pty Ltd. ta. PIPezi Exchange.
i) Information pertaining to tokens, tokneisation, stocks, shares, debentures and CCUs within the company.
j) Information pertaining to the operations of the business (Piptle Wealth Management Pty Ltd. ta. PIPezi Exchange).
k) Other, unspecified confidential information relating to PIPezi that for any purpose would reasonably carry the quality of confidence, or in circumstances where confidence of the information is necessary, and this necessity is communicated to the other Party to this agreement.


Such information relating to INSERT PARTY NAME may include, but is not limited to:
a) Information pertaining to the systems used in the general operations of the business (INSERT PARTY NAME),
b) Information pertaining to day-to-day, or general operations of the business,
c) Other, unspecified confidential information relating to INSERT PARTY NAME that for any purpose would reasonably carry the quality of confidence, or in circumstances where confidence of the information is necessary, and this necessity is communicated to the other Party to this agreement.

The terms of this agreement will be enforceable for the entire period of engagement of services rendered by PIPezi, including a post-engagement period of up to two (2)

Operative Provisions:
1. In this Agreement, where a Party is disclosing its Confidential Information to the other Party, it will be a "Discloser" and where a Party is receiving Confidential Information from a Discloser, it will be a "Recipient".
2. The consideration for each party entering into this Agreement is the provision of Confidential Information by the other party. Each party acknowledges that this is valuable consideration.
3. The Recipient must keep all Confidential Information in strict confidence and use it solely for the Purpose. The Recipient must ensure that only its officers with a need to know the Confidential Information for the Purpose have access
to the Confidential Information. The Recipient must ensure that all such officers who have access to the Confidential Information keep the Confidential Information in strict confidence.
4. It is not a breach of this Agreement for the Recipient to disclose Confidential Information which it is obliged to disclose by law or court order. If the Recipient is required or anticipates that it may be required to do so, it must immediately notify the Discloser and use reasonable endeavours to delay and withhold disclosure until the Discloser has had a reasonable opportunity
to oppose disclosure by lawful means.
5. The Recipient must destroy or return to the Discloser all of the Discloser's Confidential Information immediately upon request by the Discloser.
6. The Discloser does not make any representation or warranty that the Confidential Information does not infringe the rights of another person or as to the accuracy of the Confidential Information. Neither party is liable to the other for any infringement or inaccuracy in the Confidential Information.
7. Each Party acknowledges that, in addition, to any other remedy that may be available in law or equity, the other Party is entitled to interim, interlocutory and permanent injunctions to prevent breach of this Agreement and to ensure specific performance of the Agreement.
8. The laws of Queensland govern this Agreement.

"Confidential Information" means this Agreement (including the existence of this Agreement, the Purpose (including the existence of the Purpose) and all information concerning the Discloser, or which is the property of the Discloser and which is
disclosed in writing, orally or by any other means to the Recipient or its representatives. It includes any notes, copies or extracts made by the Recipient or its officers in relation to this information but does not include information which the Recipient can prove to the reasonable satisfaction of the Discloser:
(i) was publicly available, other than as a result of a breach of this Agreement;
(ii) that the Recipient obtained it from a third party without breach by that third party of any obligation of confidence concerning that Confidential Information; or
(iii) was already in the possession of the Recipient before being provided by the Discloser.

Signed in agreement by both parties:


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lock iconUnique Document ID: e6bb73e17bebd0fab48797105fa1b82d0cfc03d4
Timestamp Audit
May 29, 2022 6:44 am GMTNON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT (MUTUAL) Uploaded by Aaron Cassar - [email protected] IP 2409:4061:2c99:3f89:a47e:de00:ceb6:568